
Saturday, March 9, 2013




Something we've all heard of. It's real, It happens. Just because someone decides they're better than you and hound to the point of no return. They call you things like Faggot, Fatass, Ugly. They point out every flow down to the tiniest blemish on your face. They push you until you can't take anymore. They tell you how ashamed people are to know you. You have noone to stick up for you, not one person to come to your rescue. You sit at home and cry. You slide the metal blade across your wrist causing beads of dark red liquid to pour from you veins. You think that maybe if you just get deep enough one time everything would be over, and you would be free. Well you're right. But are you sure you want to be right. Everything you've done in life from cramming for hours for the exam to the poems and things you've doodled in your journal. You don't want life to be over, you just want it to be easier. You don't want to kill yourself. What you want to do is prove them wrong. You know they're wrong. If you just finish high school, and go on to get a job, or go to college, or even have a family. You could prove them wrong. Cause one day you will have a girl or guy who will love every part of you. You will have children running around you house, that look to you for encouragement and admire how amazing you are. You could influence them the way this influences you. Show you kids the bright side of life, the brighter side of love. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thought or actions. Tell somebody, don't just sit by and wait for them to succeed stop them before they start. Send a link to the blog to anyone you know that is struggling. You could help show them what amazing things they could do. You could help save their life.

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