
Sunday, March 10, 2013



It's inevitable. It's annoying. It's everywhere. Stress. One of the perks of being young is that you have less stress. WRONG! Teenagers, although we may not have families to deal with yet, have as much stress if not more as adults. Like right now. It's after midnight and I have to be up to take my Ohio Graduation Test at 9. I can't sleep. I'm so worried that I might fail this test, that if I mess up or if I can't remember then I wont make it anywhere in life. My high school carreer will change after i take these tests. I'm a night persom, always have been. But now it's night and I need to sleep but I can't. Stress comes in many different shapes and sizes. It could be your best friend, family, a test, popularity, failute, dating, anything can bring on some sort of stress. Below I have listed some things I do to become less stressed. Try them out they may work for you too.

1. Take a deep breath.
   It may seen kind of cliche but it's true just take a minute to take a deep breath and clear your mind.
2.  Think through your choices.
  Take a second to think of how the choice you make might affect your every day life. If you're having dating problems think about you options, You could break up and thats usually the easiest but it's pretty bumpy at first, You could talk it through with your partner and see how they feel, or you could leave it alone and see where that takes you.
3. Take yourself to a different world.
  Many things can do this for you, whether it be music, writing, singing, dancing, find that one thing that you love and do it.

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